Pet Odor Exterminator

Pet Odor Exterminator Candle - Barkery

MSRP: $19.95
You save: $7.00
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This is not your normal pet treat. Barkery is like walking into a gourmet bakery with freshly made donuts lining the shelves. Delightful aromas of cooling pastries and vanilla butter cream filled doughnuts take over your senses. This fragrances is a real human treat!

Long-lasting and available in dozens of unique scents, our Pet Odor Exterminator jar candles are the perfect choice for removing unwanted pet, smoke, and other household odors. Each enzyme-formulated 13oz candle burns for approximately 70 hours, breaking down unpleasant odors and leaving behind a refreshing fragrance. Brighten up any room and get rid of odors today!