Orange Paws

Orange Paws Turmeric Plus

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Give your dog (or cat!) more healthy years with Turmeric Plus, an organic pet food supplement specially formulated to work against inflammation, the root of chronic degenerative diseases.
Each 5 oz BPA-free re-usable tin contains enough Turmeric Plus to last over two months for an "average-sized" (30 lb.) dog, and over four months for an "average-sized" (10 lb.) cat. 
Save with the 4 pound tub.  It's the same great Turmeric Plus at a great savings per ounce.  Perfect for households with  livestock or large groups of pets.
The recommended amount of this fantastic whole-food spice is 1/4 teaspoon per 10 lbs. of animal's weight per day.

Organic and vegan peanut butter dog treats, each containing one full serving of our flagship product, "Turmeric Plus."  Human-grade, hand-made, healthy and delicious.  6 oz. bag.

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